Monday 14 December 2009


Christmas in Spain starts at the begining of December, when all towns and cities are decorated with Christmas lights illuminating the streets. At home we put Christmas trees, wreaths and ornaments.

On December 22nd, two important events take place. Students are released from school for their winter vacations, and perhaps more importantly, it is announced the winning number of the famous Christmas Lottery in Spain. This lottery, by far the biggest in Spain, is a tradition practised by many people who wish to win the grand prize as it would make them instantly rich.
The night of 24th December is Christmas Eve, and all the families come together and share a dinner. Children receive gifts from Santa Claus.
Christmas Eve is celebrated with two very important traditions: eating and going to Christmas mass (known as ‘Misa del Gallo’).

Eve is 31st of December and families celebrate this event by eating twelve grapes at midnight as a symbol of good luck in the New Year. Each one is taken at every last twelve seconds of the year.
New Year is also celebrated in Spain. Families often eat together and send many postcards and Christmas cards to wish family and friends a happy new year.

Spanish children receive gifts from the "wise men" (‘reyes magos’) the night of the 6th of January. It is common that children leave milk and cookies to the wise men before going to bed that night.
Nuria Solivellas
Nuria Páramo
Diana Patiño
Col·legi Madre Alberta

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